Lights, camera, awards


In late fall, Bonnie Willison, who produces videos and podcast series for both Sea Grant and the University of Wisconsin Water Resources Institute (WRI), won awards for two videos.

The first production award went to “What Accelerates Harmful Algal Blooms in the Great Lakes,” spotlighting research being done at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and funded by Sea Grant. The second was one of only two judge’s choice awards in the competition. It went to “Testing Maple Sap, Fish and Wild Rice for PFAS,” funded through a national competition of the National Water Resources Institutes and administered through WRI.

The judge, a video professional based in Philadelphia, said, “This video inspires curiosity, learning and action in our communities. The project is impressively high quality for a one-person production. The story is meaningful, the footage is compelling and the strategic decisions in post (production) strengthen it, including utilizing music and SFX (sound effects). Little details in this project immerse viewers deeply into the story and place, and make it feel like a higher-tier production. The creator elevated the voice of Indigenous community members in the telling of this place-based story. To lead with thought like this is to set an example for all of us, regardless of our client or category. Great job!”

Willison said, “I am honored to be recognized for these two videos, and I’m proud of the work I create about Great Lakes science and stories.”

The competition was sponsored by an organization called Madison Media Professionals.


What Accelerates Harmful Algal Blooms in the Great Lakes?


Testing Maple Sap, Fish and Wild Rice for PFAS