Chronicling the Chronicle

Looking for that article discussing UW-Madison’s microbial ecology expertTrina McMahon’s methylmercury research?

Wracking your brain for the issue of the Aquatic Sciences Chronicle that offered a list of online learning resources?

How about wanting to again refer to that profile introducing Sea Grant Fisheries BiologistTitus Seilheimer upon his
hire in 2013?

Now,Tom Xiong and James Grandt have made sure you can quickly and easily satisfy those needs, and more.

Web Developer Xiong and InformationTechnology Specialist Grandt recently launched a brand-new Aquatic Sciences Chronicle website.

The clean and straightforward site serves both Sea Grant and the Water Resources Institute. You can revisit the past by scrolling through 75 issues stretching back to 2005. It’s a col- orful panorama of the evolution of the Chronicle.

The most-current issue is prominently displayed and avail- able for download as a PDF. Or content is accessible through hotlinks to individual articles.

Other features on the site allow quick access to a subscription page, as well as links to external funders. —MH