Featured Social Media + Web
In this issue, the website we’re featuring is our own! Over the last several months, Wisconsin Sea Grant staff have worked diligently to give our online home a much-needed makeover. A streamlined look, simpler navigation and better functionality for mobile users are just a few of the improvements we’ve made.
We designed these technical and aesthetic improvements with Wisconsin Sea Grant’s mission in mind: research, education and outreach for the Great Lakes. An updated website allows us to tell our story more effectively—and better serve—citizens, resource managers, students, public officials and others. Our aim is to make it easier for you to find answers to your questions or connect with an expert.
We encourage you to explore the new site and give us your opinions. Are you finding what you need? Have you come across something that may not be working properly? Send us your thoughts by contacting Assistant Director for Communications Moira Harrington at moira@aqua.wisc.edu.
We hope you like what you see!